Therapeutic support for children and families
Theraplay Informed Practice

Theraplay Informed Practice

Theraplay treatment involves playful sessions between parent and child that build attunement and connection through moment to moment attention to the child’s experience. Theraplay informed practice has been found helpful for children and young people who had experience trauma and is used extensively with children in adoptive or foster care.

The initial treatment would involve an initial discussion to gain further information about your child, their experiences and the relationships you have. Following on from this, an observation based on the Marshak Interaction Method is undertaken to understand the dynamics of you and your child’s relationships.

The Theraplay model is underpinned by the 4 domains including structure, nurture, engagement and challenge which are all part of any parent child relationship. Each of these 4 essential relational experiences and attuned moment to moment interactions in sessions help support and strengthen the relationships within between child and parent.

For more information on the Theraplay please visit

To book a consultation about Theraplay informed practice for you or your child please email

Theraplay is a registered trademark of the Theraplay Institute, Chicago.